1. Where we find a Deleted Files / Folder. a. My Computer b. Recycle Bin c. Document d. Pictures 2. Brain of computer. a. RAM b. ROM c. HDD d. CPU 3. Application Software. a. OS b. HTML c. Paint d. C++…
read more1. Table tool bar present in which menu. a. Insert b. Home c. Page Layout d. Mailing 2. Mail Merge tool bar present in which menu. a. Insert b. Home c. Page Layout d. Mailing 3. Bold tool bar present in which…
read more1. Refresh Shortcut key. a. F12 b. F2 c. F7 d. F5 2. Undo Shortcut key. a. Ctrl + Y b. Ctrl + Z c. Ctrl + P d. Ctrl + D 3. Redo Shortcut key. a. Ctrl + Y b. Ctrl…
read more1. How to show file content into DOS mode. a. Type b. Ren c. MD d. RD 2. How to Create a file into DOS mode. a. Type b. Ren c. MD d. copy Con 3. How to Delete file into DOS…
read more1. DOS Full Form. a. Disk Operating System b. Desktop Operating System c. Dashboard Operating System d. None of this 2. How many types of Alignment? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 3. Which Menu has Background change? a. Insert…
read more1. Close window shortcut key. a. Alt +F3 b. Alt +F4 c. Ctrl +F3 d. Ctrl +F 2. MS Word Design which Company. a. Apple b. Microsoft c. Google d. None of this 3. MS Word which type of software. a. Application…
read more1. How many types of Key available into Keyboard. a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 2 2. How many types of Function Key available into Keyboard. a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14 3. Select Special Key . a. 1…
read more1. Select Input Device a. Speaker b. Monitor c. CPU d. Light Pen 2. Select Output Device a. Keyboard b. Monitor c. CPU d. Mouse 3. How many types of Mouse a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 4. Select Operating…
read more1. Replace Shortcut Key a. CTRL + L b. CTRL + K c. CTRL + H d. CTRL + Y 2. Cut Shortcut Key a. CTRL + C b. CTRL + K c. CTRL + P d. CTRL + X 3. Superscript…
read more1. Bold Shortcut Key a. CTRL + B b. CTRL + I c. CTRL + C d. CTRL + U 2. Italic Shortcut Key a. CTRL + B b. CTRL + I c. CTRL + C d. CTRL + U 3. Underline…
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