1. Select Server name – A) WWW B) Google C) Yahoo D) All of above 2. Select Search Engine – A) Browser B) Google C) Gmail D) All of above 3. ISP Full Form – A) Internet Service Provider B) Initial Service…
read more1. The brain of any computer system is A. ALU B. Memory C. CPU D. Control unit E. None of the above 2. Borders can be applied to A) Cells B) Paragraph C) Text D) All of above 3. ______ gives battery…
read more1. Font size increase Shortcut Key. a. CTRL + } b. CTRL + ] c. CTRL + > d. CTRL + + 2. Subscript Shortcut Key. a. CTRL + = b. CTRL + + c. CTRL + – d. CTRL + >…
read more1. Apple Co. Develop which Operating System ? a. Andriod. b. iOS. c. Windows. d. UNIX. 2. 1 TB = ? a. 1024 GB. b. 1024 MB. c. 1024 KB. d. None. 3. URL Full Form. a. Uniform Resource Locator. b. Uniform…
read more1. 1 Byte =? . a. 9 bits. b. 8 bits. c. 4 bits. d. 2 bits. 2. Deleted Files Go to – a. Task Bar. b. Tool Bar. c. Recycle Bin. d. My Computer. 3. What is Mp3 File . a….
read more1. Monitor is Known as . a. VDU. b. DVD. c. DVU d. None of This. 2. 1 MB = . a. 1024 KB. b. 1024 GB . c. 1024 Byte d. None of This. 3. Sort Memory Unit in Ascending order…
read more1. Why we use Word Art . a. To insert Picture. b. To insert symbols. c. To insert Styles Text d. None of This. 2. Why we use Clip Art . a. To insert Picture. b. To insert symbols. c. To insert…
read more1. Macro option present in which Ribbon . a. Review b. Home c. View d. Insert 2. Web view option present in which Ribbon . a. Review b. Home c. View d. Insert 3. Clip Art option present in which Ribbon ….
read more1. Which Machine store into Computer any picture. a. Microphone b. Scanner c. Plater d. None of This 2. Connected Computer Devices called. a. Interface. b. OS. c. Software. d. Hardware. 3. How to modify file content which command . a. CD…
read more1. Note pad is a. a. Linker b. Loader c. Word processer d. None of This 2. Collect of programs. a. Information. b. Data. c. Software. d. Hardware. 3. Microsoft Word default Font size . a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d….
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